Modelos de comportamiento en salud y COVID-19
Enviado por nbrunet el Vie, 05/28/2021 - 18:18Día (sugerido) | Hora (sugerida) | Cant. estudiantes | Docentes | Salón | |||
Viernes | 10:25 a 12:40 | 40 |
1. Introducir elementos generales de la Psicología y las Ciencias del Comportamiento aplicadas en el contexto de pandemia por COVID-19
2. Incorporar nociones básicas de los modelos sociocognitivos en salud y la dinámica de cambio comportamental
3. Motivar la aplicación de modelos comportamentales a problemas de investigación e intervención relacionados con la actual situación de pandemia
1. Modelos de comportamiento humano en Psicología y Ciencias del Comportamiento en contexto COVID-19
-West, R., Michie, S., Rubin, G. J., & Amlôt, R. (2020). Applying principles of behaviour change to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Nature Human Behaviour, 4(5), 451–459.
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-Dryhurst, S., Schneider, C. R., Kerr, J., Freeman, A. L. J., Recchia, G., van der Bles, A. M., … van der Linden, S. (2020). Risk perceptions of COVID-19 around the world. Journal of Risk Research, 23(7–8), 994–1006.
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-Hansen, P. G., Skov, L. R., & Skov, K. L. (2016). Making Healthy Choices Easier: Regulation versus Nudging. Annual Review of Public Health, 37(December 2015), 237–251.
-Abellán, J. M., & Jimenez-Gomez, D. (2020). Behavioral economics to improve lifestyle choices and to reduce risk factors. Gaceta Sanitaria, 34(2), 197–199.
-Schneider, C. R., Dryhurst, S., Kerr, J., Freeman, A. L. J., Recchia, G., Spiegelhalter, D., & van der Linden, S. (2021). COVID-19 risk perception: a longitudinal analysis of its predictors and associations with health protective behaviours in the United Kingdom. Journal of Risk Research, 24(3–4), 294–313.
-Oosterhoff, B., Palmer, C. A., Wilson, J., & Shook, N. (2020). Adolescents' motivations to engage in social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic: associations with mental and social health. Journal of Adolescent Health, 67(2), 179-185.
-Clubb, A. C., & Hinkle, J. C. (2015). Protection motivation theory as a theoretical framework for understanding the use of protective measures. Criminal Justice Studies, 28(3).
-María, D. I., & Boris, S. (2021). Psychological impact of the COVID-19 in children and adolescents. Medisan, 25(1), 123. Retrieved from
-Worling, J. R., & Curwen, T. (2000). Adolescent sexual offender recidivism: success of specialized treatment and implications for risk prediction. Child Abuse & Neglect, 24(7), 965–982.
-Hill, R. J., Fishbein, M., & Ajzen, I. (1977). Belief, Attitude, Intention and Behavior: An Introduction to Theory and Research. Contemporary Sociology, 6(2).
-Rice, T. (2013). The behavioral economics of health and health care. Annual Review of Public Health, 34, 431–447.
2. Modelos sociocognitivos de comportamiento y aplicaciones a la situación por COVID-19
-Weston, D., Ip, A., & Amlôt, R. (2020). Examining the application of behaviour change theories in the context of infectious disease outbreaks and emergency response: A review of reviews. BMC Public Health, 20(1), 1–19.
-Ajzen, I. (2012). The theory of planned behavior. In Handbook of Theories of Social Psychology: Volume 1 (pp. 438–459).
-Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The “what” and “why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological Inquiry, 11(4), 227–268.
-Floyd, D. L., Prentice-Dunn, S., & Rogers, R. W. (2000). A meta-analysis of research on protection motivation theory. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 30(2).
-Abraham, C., & Sheeran, P. (2014). The health belief model. Cambridge Handbook of Psychology, Health and Medicine, Second Edition, (June 2015), 97–102.
-Chan, D. K. C., Zhang, C. Q., & Josefsson, K. W. (2020). Why People Failed to Adhere to COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors? Perspectives from an Integrated Behavior Change Model. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 1–2.
-Kadir, M. N. A., Ridzuan, A. R., Kashim, M. I. A. ., Noor, M., Abu Zahrin, S. N., & Mohammed, A. F. (2020). Theory of planned behaviour and religiosity in coping with the covid 19 pandemic in Malaysia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(12s SE-Articles), 1634–1640.
-Arden, M. A., Byrne-Davis, L., Chater, A., Hart, J., McBride, E., & Chilcot, J. (2020). The vital role of health psychology in the response to COVID-19. British Journal of Health Psychology.
-Chater, N. (2020). Facing up to the uncertainties of COVID-19. Nature Human Behaviour, 4(5), 439.
-Godbersen, H., Hofmann, L. A., & Ruiz-Fernández, S. (2020). How People Evaluate Anti-Corona Measures for Their Social Spheres: Attitude, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Behavioral Control. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(November), 1–20.
-Iwaya, G. H., Cardoso, J. G., de Sousa Júnior, J. H., & Steil, A. V. (2020). Predictors of the intention to maintain social distancing. Revista de Administracao Publica, 54(4), 714–734.
-Janmaimool, P. (2017). Application of protection motivation theory to investigate sustainable waste management behaviors. Sustainability (Switzerland), 9(7), 1–16.
-Ezati Rad, R., Mohseni, S., Kamalzadeh Takhti, H., Hassani Azad, M., Shahabi, N., Aghamolaei, T., & Norozian, F. (2021). Application of the protection motivation theory for predicting COVID-19 preventive behaviors in Hormozgan, Iran: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 21(1), 466.
-Loades, M. E., Chatburn, E., Higson-Sweeney, N., Reynolds, S., Shafran, R., Brigden, A., … Crawley, E. (2020). Rapid Systematic Review : The Impact of Social Isolation Adolescents in the Context of COVID-19. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry, 59(11), 1218–1239.
-Adiyoso, W., & Wilopo, W. (2020). Social Distancing Intentions to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19: The Extended Theory of Planned Behavior. Research Square, 1–17. Retrieved from
-Plotnikoff, R. C., & Trinh, L. (2010). Protection motivation theory: Is this a worthwhile theory for physical activity promotion? Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews, 38(2), 91–98.
-Williams, L., Rasmussen, S., Kleczkowski, A., Maharaj, S., & Cairns, N. (2015). Protection motivation theory and social distancing behaviour in response to a simulated infectious disease epidemic. Psychology, Health and Medicine, 20(7), 832–837.
3. Intervenciones, comunicación y estrategias de cambio comportamental en COVID-19
-Haug, N., Geyrhofer, L., Londei, A., Dervic, E., Desvars-Larrive, A., Loreto, V., … Klimek, P. (2020). Ranking the effectiveness of worldwide COVID-19 government interventions. Nature Human Behaviour, 4(12), 1303–1312.
-Bavel, J. J. V., Baicker, K., Boggio, P. S., Capraro, V., Cichocka, A., Cikara, M., … Willer, R. (2020). Using social and behavioural science to support COVID-19 pandemic response. Nature Human Behaviour, 4(5), 460–471.
-Lunn, P. D., Belton, C. A., Lavin, C., McGowan, F. P., Timmons, S., & Robertson, D. A. (2020). Using Behavioral Science to help fight the Coronavirus. Journal of Behavioral Public Administration, 3(1), 1–15.
-Prasetyo, Y. T., Castillo, A. M., Salonga, L. J., Sia, J. A., & Seneta, J. A. (2020). Factors affecting perceived effectiveness of COVID-19 prevention measures among Filipinos during Enhanced Community Quarantine in Luzon, Philippines: Integrating Protection Motivation Theory and extended Theory of Planned Behavior. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 99, 312–323.
-Mena, G., Martinez, P. P., Mahmud, A. S., Marquet, P. A., Buckee, C. O., & Santillana, M. (2021). Socioeconomic status determines COVID-19 incidence and related mortality in Santiago, Chile. MedRxiv : The Preprint Server for Health Sciences, 5298(April), 1–16.
-Wright, L., Steptoe, A., & Fancourt, D. (2020). What predicts adherence to COVID-19 government guidelines? Longitudinal analyses of 51,000 UK adults. MedRxiv, 1–19.
-Porat, T., Nyrup, R., Calvo, R. A., Paudyal, P., & Ford, E. (2020). Public Health and Risk Communication During COVID-19—Enhancing Psychological Needs to Promote Sustainable Behavior Change. Frontiers in Public Health, 8(October).
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-Brossard, D., Wood, W., Cialdini, R., & Groves, R. M. (2020). Encouraging adoption of protective behaviors to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Encouraging Adoption of Protective Behaviors to Mitigate the Spread of COVID-19, 1–19.
-Malik, A. A., McFadden, S. A. M., Elharake, J., & Omer, S. B. (2020). Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in the US. EClinicalMedicine, 26.
-Qiao, S., Friedman, D. B., Tam, C. C., Zeng, C., & Li, X. (2020). Vaccine acceptance among college students in South Carolina: Do information sources and trust in information make a difference? MedRxiv.
-Nofal, A. M., Cacciotti, G., & Lee, N. (2020). Who complies with COVID-19 transmission mitigation behavioral guidelines? PLoS ONE, 15(10 October).
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-Zhong, Y., Liu, W., Lee, T. Y., Zhao, H., & Ji, J. (2021). Risk perception, knowledge, information sources and emotional states among COVID-19 patients in Wuhan, China. Nursing Outlook, 69(1), 13-21.